5-DAYS BOHEMIA E5 (28-07-2013)
Categoria: Konkurranse
Mapa/Área: Popelová Hora/Kytlice
Organisação: OK Jiskra Novy Bor
País: Tsjekkia
Disciplina: long
Last day, chasing start.

Heading in the woods as no.6. Are confused for some seconds at the begining since I did not noticed the start-flag.

1) Followed lines (track and stream).
2) Walking most of that leg and making route-choices for the rest of the course.
3) Trying to avoid climbing, not entirely sure if it was worth it.
4) Losing some seconds to check one of the neighbouring small cliffs.
5) OK.
6) Was thirsty.
7) Fatigue closing on me. Impatient to leave track and ending up beating bush without realizing the mistake until I passed the small cliff.
8) Near the control I am aware of the possibility running past it, nevertheless it did happen eventually.
9) Underestimated the controll, should have followed the track to the corner of the fenced area. There was an another flag nearby.
10) OK
11) OK. That rootstock was minuscule.
12) Tried to be smart. No climbing, safe approach.
13) No hurry.

Finished in the 6th place.

Great experience, good maps, nice forest and very good races.
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5-DAYS BOHEMIA E5 (28-07-2013) 5-DAYS BOHEMIA E5 (28-07-2013)